Stefania Profeti (Ph.D. in Political Science at the University of Florence) is Assistant Professor of Political Science at the University of Bologna, where she teaches Organization Theory. She is also member of the Rivista Italiana di Politiche Pubbliche editorial board, and coordinator of the Standing Group on Regionalism and Federalism of the Italian Political Science Association. Her main research interests deal with the analysis of public policies and decisional processes, Regions and the EU, local governance, corporatisation and local utilities. Among her latest publications: Remapping the State: Inter-Municipal Cooperation through Corporatisation and Public-Private Governance Structure (with A. Lippi and G. Citroni), in Local Government Studies, 2013; Governi privati (Rubbettino 2012, with A. Lippi and G. Citroni) Il potere locale tra politica e politiche (Rubbettino, 2010); Adapting Public-Private Governance to the Local Context (with A. Lippi, G. Citroni and N. Giannelli), in Public Management Review, n. 5, 2008.